Flowers from a Student
Originally uploaded by Prairie Brown
Over the course of the past week, three of the graduate students I've been working with all quarter defended their theses. I'd worked with each of them fairly intensely--two of them more than twice a week for the past month. Each of them invited me to her thesis defense, and both in the interest of supporting my current students and in furthering my knowledge so that I can better advise future students, I attended all three defenses.
I'm very pleased to report that all three passed their defenses: there are three new CWU Master Teachers out there doing wonderful things for their students. Each of these women (a fifth grade teacher, a sixth grade teacher, and an elementary school P.E. teacher) worked for several years to complete her degree, and all of them wrote wonderful papers. They each overcame personal obstacles (one had a baby midway through the graduate school process, another is currently eight months pregnant) to achieve the goals they'd set.
For the small part I played in their writing process, each thanked me in her own way. One thanked me for coming to her thesis defense by saying, "It felt like having a big sister there watching out for me." Another brought me a cup of my favorite peppermint tea. Another stopped by my office with a huge bouquet of flowers, and thanked me on the dedication page of her thesis. Their gratitude brought tears to my eyes--they're the ones who did all the work. I love that I have a job that people really feel is helpful!
To my graduate students: congratulations! You worked hard and you deserve your success!