Wednesday, September 26, 2007

CASAS Testing

So, since Career Link is now part of the ABE (Adult Basic Education) program at NSCC, making us an "official" GED program this year, we're required to give our students the state-mandated CASAS test. This probably works fine for older students, but try explaining to a room full of 17 year olds that in addition to the five tests that make up the GED, they're also going to have to take an additional five tests every quarter for no apparent reason other than the state demanding that they do. I gave my students the first test today, I'll give another on Monday, and a third at the end of the quarter.

Already today, they were demanding to know what the point was, and I couldn't give them a really good answer. They have to take both the math and the reading tests, without taking into account that many of them have already passed the GED tests in one or both of those subjects. I ended up telling them that today's math and reading tests were just for placement purposes, to help Deanna and I figure out which reading and math groups they should be in. Still, there were many bitter complaints about how many tests they have to take. I agree with them that if they've already passed the GED tests, there really isn't any point in making them take more tests in those subjects.

We really need to reform the testing system (the whole education system) in this country, to do away with a lot of the useless crap and really educate our population!

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