Friday, April 18, 2008

Who Turned off the Spring?

This afternoon, my colleague in Lynwood called me to chat about the upcoming conference. As we were talking, she mentioned that it had been snowing all afternoon in Lynwood. I looked out my window (I'm about 50 miles south of Lynwood when I'm at work). The sun was shining. Sure, there were a few clouds over the water, and yes, they looked very black, but overall it wasn't an unpleasant day outside.

I hopped into my car at about 5:00 and headed north. I was about halfway back to Seattle when something thumped against my windshield. I figured it was a bug. Then I noticed the wet splotch. Something else splatted against the windshield. Then something else. It was starting to hail! As I drove further north, it hailed harder and harder. Small piles of it began to build up on the sides of my windshield. Traffic going into downtown slowed, then stopped, then began creeping northward again at a snail's pace. The sides of the road began to collect piles of hail. Then the road itself started to look a little bit white and slushy. I passed a sign that estimated the commute from that point to Lynwood: 58 minutes to travel what on a good day would be a 15 minute drive.

I got off the freeway at the next exit, watching the cars still on the freeway beginning to slip and slide a bit as the road got worse. I took the back roads the rest of the way home. By the time I got home, the hail had stopped. It was actively SNOWING! As I type this, it's starting to stick to the streets. Cars and trees in the parking lot outside the building are thoroughly coated.

You heard me--it's snowing in Seattle in the middle of April! Clearly, whoever is in control of the weather missed the memo about it being spring!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

My mother grew up in Seattle and she said it has snowed a few times before in the Spring when she was younger.

Alaska must have sent it your way. It has snowed (i.e., dumped) three times in the past 2 weeks after an early onset of Spring :-/ But it's supposed to get into the 50's temperature-wise this next week so I still have hope!