Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My Blessing for Hope's Wedding

Hope and Peter requested that each guest at their wedding prepare a short blessing or bit of advice for the couple. As the photographer, Michael was let off the hook. I, however, wracked my brains for a few weeks preparing my blessing for them. I thought the blessings from their friends and family were one of the best parts of the ceremony. While I can't recreate them all here for you, I can at least give you the text of my blessing:

When Hope was a very little girl, she and Kima and I shared a bedroom. Hope was scared of the dark. Well, to tell the truth, so were Kima and I, but we were far too grown up to protest. Hope, on the other hand, protested loudly enough that a night light was produced.

That small night light, christened "Mickey Glower" because of it's Mickey Mouse shape, comforted us through many scary nights with its soft orange glow.

Now, we're all grown up, and my little sister Hope is getting married today. My wish for Hope and Peter is that their relationship will be blessed with bright and happy days and comfortable and safe nights as they bask in the glow of their love for each other.

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