Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Hope, Peter, and Michael Dye Easter Eggs
Originally uploaded by Prairie Brown

We started the day with a little bit of spring cleaning--Michael was actually inspired and cleaned most of the apartment all by himself!

This afternoon, Hope and Peter came over for an Easter egg dying party. We dyed eggs, had snacks, and laughed at our rather meager artistic abilities as we attempted to paint our eggs. Michael took pictures of all the eggs, so expect those pictures to appear on his page sometime in the near future. (There are more pictures of our party up on my Flickr page as well.)

Michael and I fixed the traditional Easter ham dinner, and we're just about to sit down to chocolate eclair cake and a movie. It's been a really great Easter!

I hope the Easter Bunny was good to everyone this year!

1 comment:

John Hanscom said...

I was in the Downriver Villages for Easter Day, but, fortunately, Easter is a season which lasts 50 days. Happy Easter.