Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Break!

This past week, I've been on spring break. I originally didn't have all that much planned, but I did want to go to Vancouver for a few days to be with my family. Last weekend, I spend three days with my mom and Kima. We went on several little shopping trips and celebrated Kima's birthday.

This past week was also finals week for Michael (drawbacks to being on different school schedules). He spent a lot of the week studying, but we've been enjoying the luxury of both of us being home at the same time. This hardly ever happens when both of us are in session. His last final was yesterday morning, and after the test, we hit Blockbuster, rented a stack of movies, and came home to unwind.

This morning, after sleeping in as late as we wanted (8:30--silly school schedule!), we headed Downtown, which we hadn't done for a long time. We had breakfast at one of my favorite bakeries in the Pike Place Market, then headed to the Seattle Art Museum (SAM) to see the Roman exhibit that's there on loan from the Louvre. The artwork was absolutely amazing! Most of it was statuary, various portraits of emperors and their wives. I pointed out to Michael that he has a strong resemblance to a couple of the early emperors--he must have some Roman ancestors.

We still have one day of my break left. Tomorrow we're going to dye Easter eggs!

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