Friday, October 26, 2007

Raspberry M&Ms

This morning, I had to go to in to campus even though I don't usually work on Fridays because there was a faculty meeting at Career Link. Since the meeting (of course) was scheduled right in the middle of Michael's class schedule, this meant I had to go onto campus an hour before the meeting and stay around for an hour after the meeting if we wanted to carpool. I don't mind spending a little extra time in my office, so I headed in with Michael. Of course, after about ten minutes of paper grading, I was completely bored, so I wandered down to the bookstore to look at the new arrivals, snoop to see what books everyone else is teaching this quarter, and generally kill a bit of time.

On my way out of the store, carrying the newest edition of The Best American Short Stories--2007 (the one edited by Stephen King--gotta keep our King collection up to date), I saw a bright pink M&M display, which I at first figured was advertising the pink breast cancer awareness promotional. Upon a closer inspection, it turned out to be a display for the new "limited edition" raspberry (Razzberry) M&Ms. Intrigued, I bought a small bag of them, and Michael and I shared them after lunch this afternoon. We both agree that they're yummy, and I would highly recommend them to anyone who likes flavored chocolate (although chocolate purists might turn up their noses). The raspberry flavoring is subtle and doesn't overwhelm the chocolate, but it's a nice compliment to the usual M&M smooth milk chocolate. Worth a try, in my opinion.

1 comment:

John Hanscom said...

Anyone who would turn up their nose has never had chocolate covered strawberries or cherries.