Saturday, October 27, 2007

Through the Fire

I'm happy to report that all my Southern California relatives made it safely through the fires. Grandma and Grandpa, even though their house wasn't in the direct path of any of the fires, evacuated because Grandma was having trouble breathing with all the smoke (they were in the direct path of a lot of the smoke).

They first went to Sonja and Art's (my aunt and uncle, for those of you not familiar with my family) house, because it's up on a hill, but then Sonja and Art's whole neighborhood was told to evacuate. The family headed for Palm Springs, where they spent the past few days in a hotel before getting the okay to go home. Carl and Carolina's (another uncle and aunt) family stayed in Carlsbad, and they report that there's a lot of ash to wash away, but everyone is safe and settling back in at home this morning.

Everybody say a prayer for Grandma though, because the smoke was not good at all for her lungs. Send her some good vibes, if you have a minute to do so.

1 comment:

John Hanscom said...

Deo Gratias!

Prayers "ascending."