Thursday, January 31, 2008

Best Boyfriend Ever!

While watching the first episode of the new season of Lost this evening, a commercial came on for something I'd forgotten was coming out: a new Stephen King book. I was impressed initially because there was a commercial for a book during prime time TV. That's a very big rarity (more's the pity). I like seeing an occasional commercial for something I'd actually buy. I was further impressed because I never forget when a book I want is coming out. I always have my pre-order in to Amazon as soon as something I want is announced. I'd been so caught up with everything going on in my life that I'd actually forgotten about the book release.

Fortunately, Michael hadn't. After the show was over and we were talking about how hard it would be to go a whole week before another episode (did anyone really get off the island?), Michael turned to me and asked, "So there was a Stephen King book you didn't know about?"

I admitted that it was true. He grinned and walked back to the office and came out beaming with a big box from Amazon.

"I didn't forget!"

This qualifies him as the best boyfriend ever! He knows me so well that he anticipates my little whims before I even know I'm going to have them. He knew I'd want it as soon as it came out, and he noticed I'd forgotten, so he ordered it for me. He was saving it for the perfect moment, and boy did he find it! I wanted that book so much I was going to suggest driving to the grocery store to see if they had any yet. He's amazing! I need to go kiss him again (he's studying like a good school boy) and hop into bed and start reading!

1 comment:

John Hanscom said...
