Sunday, December 2, 2007

Rain Again

It's warmed up to a whopping 47 degrees, and the snow has turned back into Seattle's usual rain. The inch or so of snow we got this morning has been melted away by the steady drizzle that's been coming down out there all afternoon. It actually looks like there's a bit of a storm blowing in for the evening. The clouds are rolling along very quickly, and the sky is an eerie sort of grayish-yellow. I hope Michael gets home before it really starts to blow! It looks like it's shaping up to be the perfect evening to light some candles and curl up in bed with hot chocolate and books and listen to the storm. Yes, I'm one of those weird people who enjoys a good winter storm (as long as the power isn't knocked out for too long!). It always feels so cozy to be secure in a comfortable, warm place, listening to the weather outside.

Oooh! A big puff of wind just rattled the windows and shook the tree outside!

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