Saturday, December 1, 2007

Snow in Seattle!

Michael and I just spent the afternoon decorating our apartment for the holidays (putting Christmas lights in the windows, decorating the kitchen table, etc.). As Michael took the first string of lights out of the box, the first few flakes of snow started to fall from the sky. We popped in our newest holiday CD (Christmas Swing), and started putting the lights in the windows. It's a regular winter wonderland outside right now, and it really feels like the holiday season has begun. I think I'm going to go eat a candy cane...


Stacy said...

All of our snow melted here in Alaska. I'm still waiting for it to return. Snow is what makes the long, dark winters here bearable.

Prairie Brown said...

We don't ever get very much here in Seattle, so when we do get a little bit of snow, it seems really special. I hope the snow comes back to Alaska soon!