Friday, June 29, 2007

Girl Things

It's great fun to have a sister who's getting married. I just spent the afternoon at the mall with Kima and Hope. Instead of a bridal shower, Hope requested a shopping trip with her sisters to get the necessary honeymoon lingerie. After four hours of shopping, I think we came up with a wardrobe worthy of a princess, with a few sexy-silly surprises thrown in. I won't give details (so Peter, if you're reading, you don't get to know anything in advance), but Hope is going to be one smokin' hottie on the honeymoon!

1 comment:

John Hanscom said...

One would Hope so.

I, not being female, see this as less a "girl thing" than a fulfillment of the Biblical commandment for "the two to become one."

Marital union is a "Mitzvah," as was your trip with your sisters.