Friday, June 15, 2007

Graduation Morning

This morning, I'm up early (for a summer morning) because I have to attend the graduation rehearsal at NSCC. And it's raining. And graduation will be outside. Hold your breath and cross your fingers, everyone, that the sun will come out by this afternoon. The kids I teach and the students I tutor have worked really hard this year for their moment on the stage in their caps and gowns, and they deserve some sunshine! (I hear that they've ordered raincoats for the graduates, just in case, but the kids are all very concerned that the coats would cover up their gowns and they'd look like ordinary people.)

1 comment:

John Hanscom said...

The Scandinavian version of "cross your fingers" is "hold your thumbs, and I will do so for you and the graduates.

Berta is really looking forward to the trip.